As a shift worker, you deal with harder circumstances getting up easy and in time. This application is tailored exactly for these problems. If you work in a shift model with changing shifts, the most important thing is to wake up every day on the right time. The user can put in his own shift rhythm (e.g. can change every 3 instead of 7 days) and he is getting awake at exactly the right time on the right day.

Shift Period
Every employee, who works in a continuous shift system, knows the problem that he has to set his alarm every day. We solved this problem by constructing an alarm which only rings when the owner has for example morning shift by putting in his shift rotation. Additional he can choose single days on what the alarm should ring or not. That is important if you have got holiday or you work on an extra day.
Wake-Up Options
To get up easy in the morning, for example at 4pm, is not always easy for persons who have to work in a changing shift model. For this reason, we developed this application with some added options. For example the user can choose how often the “snooze“ function is possible. In addition he can set the “snooze interval“. Furthermore, he can increase the volume and can choose his own song to get wake up.
About The Project
The application is released for iOS and can be downloaded from the PlayStore.
Android is currently in private Beta and will be released soon. If you want to join the private beta, send me an email.

This app is written with Xamarin.Forms.